Tag «Multi-Cloud»

Terraform validate

The terraform validate command is a powerful tool in Terraform that helps ensure that your Terraform configuration files are syntactically valid and adhere to the Terraform language’s expected format. It helps developers identify and correct syntax errors, ensure consistency across different configurations, provide quick feedback on issues, and ensure that all Terraform configurations adhere to …

Terraform format

terraform fmt is a command in the Terraform infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that is used to When you run terraform fmt, it will read all the configuration files in the current directory and its subdirectories, then modify the files to adhere to the standard style. What “terraform fmt” cannot do? By default, terraform fmt, …

Terraform Init

terraform init performs the following tasks: What terraform init does not do? Step: 1 Defining the resource configuration file: The above code is written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and creates an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with a CIDR block of The resource block has two parts: the resource type …

Compute: How to choose the right instance type from AWS, Azure or Google Cloud

Cloud providers offer various instance sizes to host your workloads flexibly. Those are available with a varied combination of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity extended with GPU (Graphical processing unit) capabilities. The instance size has to be selected based on the use case needs so that the required performance is met and the cost …

Global Infrastructure – Part-3: Criteria to choose the right Region for cloud hosting

Code: C01-P3 | Author: Saransundar N | Applies To: AWS | Azure | Google Cloud In the previous post, part 1 we have seen about Regions and Availability Zones. To read, click here. To see the list of regions click here. There are several regions offered by cloud providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for hosting. This post …

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