Monthly archives: October, 2022

Global Infrastructure – Part-3: Criteria to choose the right Region for cloud hosting

Code: C01-P3 | Author: Saransundar N | Applies To: AWS | Azure | Google Cloud In the previous post, part 1 we have seen about Regions and Availability Zones. To read, click here. To see the list of regions click here. There are several regions offered by cloud providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for hosting. This post …

Global Infrastructure – Part-1: Regions & Availability Zones – AWS | Azure | Google Cloud

Code: C01-P1 | Author: Saransundar N | Applies To: AWS | Azure | Google Cloud Understanding the global infrastructure offered by cloud providers is very important. This makes you plan to host your workloads for data compliance, and high availability, and even plan for disaster recovery. In this post, we will discuss the Regions and Availability Zones. Followed by …

Cloud Infrastructure: Part 1a – List of regions and Availability Zones in AWS, Azure & Google Cloud

Code: C01-P1a | Author: Saransundar N | Applies To: AWS | Azure | Google Cloud Cloud Country Geo Region Code Display Name # of AZs AWS Cape Town Africa  af-south-1 Africa (Cape Town) 3 AWS Hong Kong Asia Pacific  ap-east-1 Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 3 AWS Jakarta Asia Pacific  ap-southeast-3 Asia Pacific (Jakarta) 3 AWS …

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